Our Mission
We seek ways, through person-to-person communication, to show that we are committed to treating fellow human beings of all colors with love and respect. Join Us
The Nation's persistent racial problems have brought feelings of anger, fear, and despair to many Americans. And though people of good will recognize these problems, they often feel powerless to address or correct them.
ERACE provides a forum for concerned people to come together to deal with the difficult and painful subject of racism. Our purpose is to create an atmosphere in which people feel free to explore perceptions, assumptions, and biases without fear of ridicule or personal attack. Within the ERACE setting, we can open our hearts and minds by listening to others and challenging ourselves in structured conversations.
Those attending ERACE meetings often leave feeling enlightened by the honest communication that takes place. It is this type of person-to-person interaction that offers the greatest hope in the struggle against racism. Join us and help spread the word: Eracism
*ERACE is not a religious organization, we welcome people of all
religions to join in the discussion about race.